Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Navigating Medical Bills After a Car Accident: Steps to Take and Pitfalls to Avoid"
In this episode of The Crash Course, Greg Watson and Stephanie Moran discuss the typical steps for paying medical bills after a car accident. They highlight the importance of documenting hospital visits, understanding insurance coverage, and working with an attorney to ensure proper billing. Listeners learn about different insurance plans, deadlines for filing claims, and the significance of providing detailed information to legal representatives. Tune in to stay informed and prepared in case of an auto accident.
[00:02:41] Hospitals and health insurance billing.
[00:03:28] Understanding hospital billing intricacies.
[00:08:55] Hospital billing complexities.
[00:12:10] Paying medical bills after accident.
[00:15:10] Documenting medical expenses for insurance.
[00:18:38] Importance of journaling after accident.
About The Show
Welcome to The Crash Course. Your go-to podcast with Greg Watson and Stephanie Moran. Discover expert advice on navigating legal claims and winning strategies. Tune in now and stay ahead of the game!"